Thursday, February 4, 2016

OUGD406 - Secret 7 - Initial Concepts / Idea Generation

After analysing the lyrics and having decided to focus primarily on Chvrches' track ' Clearest Blue' as a result of preference, limited familiarity and marginal knowledge on the band, I believe I am now able to begin producing a diverse range of distinct ideas.

Initial ideas seemingly concerned themselves with four significant themes identified in the lyric analysis:
  • Direction/Movement
  • Meeting Halfway
  • Eye(s)
  • Caught Inside
  • Weather (Storm)

Following my immediate ideas, I produced a further 30 small thumbnail sketches expanding and surpassing these ideas to provide myself with a range of distinctly varied potential directions to identify and investigate after this episode of exploration. Below are the sketches followed by the context/idea behind each thumbnail. 

Top row = Sketches 1- 6 from left to right, second row = sketches 7-12 and so on.

1. Single, compositionally central blue eye referring both the song name and album title.

2. Pattern made from open blue eyes representing lyric and album title 'Every Open Eye.'

3. More abstract macro-view of an open blue eye.

4. Two circles forming eye ellipse shape. References album name, as well as lyrics 'Shaped by the clearest blue.' 

5. Circle of the eye suggested via negative space created by an upwards arrow and a downwards arrow. Represent lyric and album title 'Every Open Eye' and also the lyric 'Just another time that I go down, but you were keeping up.'

6. Repetitive pattern inspired by thumbnail number 6. This variation of the concept more effectively communicates the repetitive themes are lyrics in the song.

7. Playing on the lyrics 'You were the perfect storm,' this collage-style concept shows a cloud shaped ellipse surrounding an eye to communicate the expression 'eye of the storm.' Enhanced by a lightening strike and rain.

8. Again playing on the 'Eye of the storm' expression and 'perfect storm' lyric, this features a centralised eye at the end of a spiral, representing a hurricane - as associated with storms and severe weather. 

9. Considering the song title 'clearest blue,' this concept considers the natural, purest production of colour from light travelling through a glass prism. Rather than the usual colour spectrum, this image would show a span of shades and tones of the song's concerned hue.

10. A trio of overlapping translucent blue circles represent the three members of the band whilst creating a section of the purest, or clearest, hue of blue centrally within the resolution to reflect the song title.

11. A less number/band specific, square variation of the concept discussed for thumbnail 10.

12. A range of geometric shapes in alternating shades/tones of blue reflecting the lyrics 'shaped by the clearest blue' whilst also representing the band as a trio of individuals.

13. A pattern of overlapping circles and eyes produced in variation of thumbnail 4 - representing the album name 'Every Open Eye,' as well as lyrics 'Shaped by the clearest blue.' 

14. Blue marbling signifying development of clouds before a storm, referencing the lyric 'you were the perfect storm.'

15. Blue marbling as mentioned for thumbnail 14 within a circle for more clarity and representation of the connotations of shape that the song features.

16. Simplistic line drawing of an open eye for an understated, simple resolution playing of the album title and supporting lyrics from the song. 

17. Two eyes suggested within an infinity symbol to reflect the infinite cycle of trying for it to be 'not enough' and also the lyrics ' light was all over us, like it always was.' 

18. Standard geometric shapes (square, circle, triangle) within one another 'shaping' the colour blue. This also referenced the lyrics 'caught inside.'

19. Water droplet splashing into water signifying the common connotation of water being the 'clearest blue.'

20. As in thumbnail 19, an expanse of clear blue water is shown here.

21 & 22. These ideas are variations of one another showing directional lines meeting the in the middle of the composition reflecting the direction imagery featured in the lyrics, 'tell me you'll meet me halfway' in particular.

23. A blue yin yang symbol representing the good in the bad and the bad in the good. The balance this captures is symbolic of Chvrches' said inspirations for the song 'clearest blue.'

The Every Open Eye album title is a line from this song. 

Just another time we're caught inside
Every open eye
Holding on tightly to the sides
Never quite learning why

Chvrches' Iain Cook explained to why the band decided the lyric summed up the record. 'We've had a mad couple of years and at times it's been kind of overwhelming, it's been great, but exhausting. We like the duality of that line, it's not necessarily a negative thing and not necessarily a positive thing.'

24. Pure ultramarine pigment representative of the purest/clearest blue.

25.  A Sapphire gemstone. Known for its excellent colour, in the gem trade Sapphire without any colour prefix refers to the blue variety of the mineral Corundum. This is symbolic of clear, 
pure blue.

26. Severe, rough waves picking up on the connotations of water being the 'clearest blue' as well as stormy weather as referenced in the lyric 'you were the perfect storm.'

27. Two hands reaching out towards each other signifying the lyric 'say you'll meet me halfway.'

28. Collage layering of any blue media.

29. Colour swatches of blue exploring the search for the 'clearest blue.'

30. Dark blue sky with clouds and lightening symbolic of the lyric 'the perfect storm.'

After a critique, from these 30 thumbnails I plan to select and take forward 4 distinctly different ideas to explore and create, for which I will create concept manifestos in order to establish and solidify the thoughts underlying these potential outcomes.

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