Concept Manifesto
Playing on the lyrics 'You were the perfect storm,' this concept shows a blue eye 'caught inside' a cloud shaped ellipse to communicate the expression 'eye of the storm.' The imagery of a storm is enhanced by a lightening strike coming down from the cloud. The 'open eye,' simplified shapes
and visual elements come together to provide a complete 7x7" resolution that references the
album title, track name and lyrical connotation.
In keeping with the Secret 7 brief requirements and ensuring featured colours are eligible for accurate reproduction in print, the production of concept two needed to begin with a CMYK colour mode 7x7" canvas.
I produced was to feature a white cloud. I formed the simple cloud shape through numerous overlapping circles, varying in scale with more randomised placement for an unsymmetrical,
more true-to-form visual representation. Following the formation of the cloud, I set the painted
eye used/produced initially for concept one centrally within to provide an element of depth and realism, as well as to communicate and reference the track name, album title and associated
lyrical connotation(s). Finally, I created a yellow lightening bolt striking down from the cloud.
This enhances the visual implication of a storm whilst creating tonal energy via the contrast
created through the blue and yellow hues. The resolution is an amalgamation of basic,
simplified shapes and visual representations that create an aesthetic akin to a collage. The
simplicity and clean lines of the design are appropriate to the phrase 'eye of the storm' as it is
said that it is calm in the eye of the storm, despite the destruction they cause.
The featured colour palette most notably includes the following pantone tones/shades:
PANTONE Colour Values:
PANTONE P 103-16 C
C: 79
M: 74
Y: 0
K: 47
PANTONE Process Yellow U
C: 0
M: 0
Y: 100
K: 0
Other colours featured are communicated through the eye, which was painted with the following tones/shades:
- Phthalo Blue.
- Prussian Blue.
- Ultramarine.
- Cobalt Blue.
- Cerulean Blue.
- Mixed variations of the above.
The potential concept two resolution is exhibited below:
What are your initial thoughts when looking at this design?
- I think it works because its simple. Its very distinctive and bold.
- The eye really keeps focus on the design, its difficult to look away from.
- Its very intense because of the eye and dark colours, though there is contrast.
Do you feel the 'eye of the storm' phrase/concept is clearly communicated?
- Yes, the lightening strike helps to establish the connection to storms, which with the eye becomes clear.
- I think its obviously communicated but thats why the design works.
- I didn't get it immediately but after a few minutes it came to me.
Do you feel the limited colour palette enhances the design? Are the colours relevant?
- The design has quite a lot of contrast from the white and deep blue, which it relevant to storms. The addition of the bright yellow gives the design more energy and statement.
- I think the limited colour palette works because of the yellow. It makes it a little bit harder to guess the song because its not all blue, which you would expect for the song.
- Yes, there is cohesion between the eye and background whilst the lightening bolt creates more variation.
Additional comments
- Really like the simplicity
- Eye illustration is nice
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